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Why customers choose Pendo over WalkMe

Learn why WalkMe customers have switched to Pendo’s data-driven digital adoption platform.

Why customers choose Pendo over WalkMe
See why previous WalkMe customers are switching to Pendo's data-driven digital adoption platform.

Why choose Pendo?

(and not just because we're the largest independent DAP provider)

Independent, innovative, and enterprise ready.
Customers choose Pendo over SAP / Walkme because of our proven ability to innovate. We help the world's largest companies navigate the challenges of digital transformation, faster with a more personal deployment and support. Pendo’s long term commitment to digital adoption, security, and compliance is unmatched.

Get up and running fast
According to hundreds of G2 reviews, WalkMe typically takes 112% longer1 to implement than Pendo. It’s likely that will get even longer as part of SAP. Meanwhile, Pendo customers see a return on their investment 19% faster1 than WalkMe customers. Most Pendo customers are up and running in weeks, not months.

1. G2 Grid® Report for Digital Adoption Platform | Fall 2023

Understand and improve the user journey

Pendo’s powerful analytics gives you a clear view into all the different ways users complete specific workflows, within one app or across many. You’ll also receive AI-powered, data-driven suggestions on how to improve your processes to boost productivity and compliance. Walkme’s analytics lack customization and power. Their AI doesn’t leverage powerful data sets like Pendo does.

Trusted by leading companies around the world

OpenTable logo Okta-logo Labcorp logo Salesforce logo McGraw Hill logo Morgan Stanley logo Logo iRobot logo Customer_Logo_Black_HMH Henry Schein logo Bright Horizons logo Infor logo Verizon Connect logo Customer_Logo_Black_Pagerduty Zendesk logo Cision logo
OpenTable logo Okta-logo Labcorp logo Salesforce logo McGraw Hill logo Morgan Stanley logo Logo iRobot logo Customer_Logo_Black_HMH Henry Schein logo Bright Horizons logo Infor logo Verizon Connect logo Customer_Logo_Black_Pagerduty Zendesk logo Cision logo
Pendo has the most product engagement data
The power of Pendo AI stems from its massive and verified data set. We put trillions of data points and billions of daily interactions to work to help you save time and deliver better results. Over 10,000 companies trust Pendo with their data and we meet the most rigorous industry standards in terms of security and privacy*
Learn how we protect customer data and about our AI infrastructure here.
700 million
People who use applications installed with Pendo everyday
17 billion
Unique data points generated daily
14 trillion
Total data points fueling our AI models

Pendo vs. WalkMe: What you get


Auto tracking
Multi-product portfolio analysis
Native visitor and account insights
Product engagement scoring
Sentiment analysis
In-app guides
No-code guide building
Native behavioral targeting
Personalized resource center
Voice of the customer
Collect, organize, and prioritize user feedback
Collect qualitative sentiment data using NPS and polls
Communicate releases with Roadmaps
Enterprise ready
Designed for apps you build and apps you buy
SOC2 Type 2 in all five trust principles
Host data in US or EU data centers

Concerned about the moving process from WalkMe to Pendo?

Don’t be - we make it easy. We’ll migrate you to Pendo quickly and with little to no downtime.

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Learn more about Pendo for your employees