Connected, personalized user messaging journeys

Today’s product teams typically rely on multiple departments and tools to connect with their users outside the product. And even if you can create behavior-based user journeys, it often requires a lot of manual work and is not automated. This makes it near impossible for product teams to create cohesive user experiences across channels and at scale.

What if you could enable personalized and reactive user journeys for all of your users directly within Pendo? With Pendo Orchestrate, you can!

You’ll be able to:

  • Deliver automated and personalized cross-channel communication journeys at scale
  • Reach users outside your product with Pendo native email (and future integrations)
  • Review journey and message-level reporting and analysis

With Orchestrate, Pendo is the only product experience platform to offer cross-channel communications to users both in- and out-of-app.

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