Personalized user onboarding and in-app messaging

Early product engagement is a critical indicator of long term customer health. Pendo combines product analytics, in-app guidance, and customer feedback to ensure you start every user's journey on the right foot.

See the difference today!

Onboarding optimized for outcomes

Pendo provides product data to understand which features are most likely to lead to adoption, retention, and customer satisfaction. The ability to gain these insights and adjust your onboarding flows in a single platform will ensure your onboarding experience impacts your business's most important KPIs.

Ready to see how onboarding with Pendo works?

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Customers Recognize Pendo as a Leader in Digital Adoption Software

Use Pendo onboarding to drive:


Personalize your onboarding to drive users the features that matter most to them.


Ensure users see value in your product early to increase stickiness and satisfaction.

Trial Conversion

Understand which features correlate with conversion, adjust your onboarding accordingly.

Support Cost Reduction

Deploy automated onboarding at scale to reduce training time and proactively provide troubleshooting support in-app.
Aysling cut the time it takes to onboard new users in half with Pendo Guides
Aysling is an enterprise resource management platform that consolidates a galaxy of business management solutions into a single platform. "There are definitely customers that we haven't even needed to talk to, and some that went through the whole process and talked to us for maybe three hours.
Jeremy Lewis | Client Engagement Director

Want to learn more about onboarding with Pendo?

Contact us for a custom demo.