On-Demand Webinar

Accelerating the path to “a-ha” moments and value with in-app onboarding

When it comes to building great products that stick, first impressions matter. The onboarding experience for new users should be straightforward, delightful, and focused, so that every user understands the value of your product—and how to use it—from day one.

In this webinar, Marcus Andrews, director of product marketing at Pendo, and Brian Utz, director of product management at Sopheon, will discuss how to build effective onboarding programs and share best practices for guiding users to value in a complex product.

Watch now to learn:
  • Strategies to build an effective onboarding program that simplifies the user experience and increases time-to-value
  • The importance of combining product analytics with your in-app guides strategy to target the right users at the right time, with the right message
  • Best practices and real-life examples from Sopheon using in-app onboarding programs for a complex product
  • What you need to do to get started [hint: go product led]


Brian Utz

Director of Product Management


Marcus Andrews

Director of Product Marketing
